Every so often, during an argument with a leftist, when they're being especially belligerent and you're trying to get across ideas, they will float this line "It's not my job to educate you." or often you'll hear some variant "It's not the job of PoC to educate white people on our issues." etc. This is pretty much an admission that you have no real position or argument and were just crying for attention in the first place.
See, part of being an activist is - quite literally - to educate others on the issues you have and the solutions you want applied. The sole purpose of making an argument is to try to convince an audience to side with it, which is impossible if you outright refuse to state what that argument is.
It is safe to conclude that anyone who says this...
1: Has no actual idea what they're taking about. They are merely parroting an ignorant talking point they heard from some communist professor or brain dead actor on a television program they watch.
2: Want attention for being an activist without actually putting the effort in, whether it be so they can claim victim status later when they are rebuffed, or merely to gain the approval of a teacher or (unlikely) love interest.
People who make this claim have absolutely nothing to say and should not be paid attention to.
Note: Even if you can't articulate your arguments very well, there is no shame in deferring to someone who can. When I discuss free markets, I will often cite Bastiat, Rothbard, Hayek, Hazlitt, etc as examples of authors that have written far better points on the subject, likewise when I discuss Game, I will cite Rollo Tomassi, Roosh, Vox Day, or Dalrock. Just a point in the right direction is often enough, particularly if you do not have time to give an in depth lecture. Saying it's "not your job" means you don't actually care about the argument you propose.
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