Here's the rundown of the last month...
- Half the country believes that the election was stolen (it undeniably was) and the other half of the country believes that half of the country are white supremacists. I will probably talk about the second half of that sentence at a later date if anyone cares.
- First day of office, the senile pedophile playing as president cut the Keystone pipeline and cost people somewhere between 11,000 and 60,000 jobs (the numbers vary depending on the source.) I wasn't surprised by this as he outright said he was going to do it. What makes this especially humorous is that many of the pipeline worker unions supported him. No refunds!
- Almost immediately after, he allowed men pretending to be women to participate in women's sports, and likely to invade their restrooms as well. So women's sports are effectively ruined. I personally don't give a shit about any sports, let alone women's sports, so this is really just another thing to laugh at.
- In 2020, 40,000 people died of Covid. As of now, that number has increased to a full 100,000. Considering the senile pedophile promised he had a plan to stop the spread as he was running (though later admit once he was in office that he didn't have any plan whatsoever) he's doing a pretty shit job. I don't personally hold the president responsible for such things, but we sort of set that precedent with Trump, so no reason to not hold the current scumbag accountable.
- The Covid vaccine has a higher death rate than the actual disease itself unless you're very elderly. It also causes miscarriages and likely total infertility. Considering the same people that complain the world is overpopulated are the ones that strongly push the poison that is the Covid vaccine, it's pretty certain that this is not an accident. Also people that refuse the vaccine in Germany are put into concentration camps (cause Germany was so great the last time they did that sort of thing.) Note: I am not Anti-vaccine on principle; I am against the largely untested and extremely rushed and experimental Covid vaccine specifically.
- Speaking of Concentration Camps, the senile pedophile pretending to be president said he was completely okay with the concentration camps in China, where Christians and Muslims are tortured, sterilized, and raped. He is also completely okay with the human rights violations the Chinese have been acting toward with Hong Kong and intend to with Taiwan. Why is he okay with this? Something about racism, or more likely because he was paid off by the Chinese government.
- Speaking of that, the Chinese government is now allowed to purchase control of our utilities. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that immediately after that happened the electric grid in Texas went down during a freak snow storm. Jury's still out on this one I suppose.
- To all the losers that voted Democrat because you thought you would get your six figures of student loans (that probably went to useless degrees) forgiven. Well that's not happening. This is literally the only good thing the senile pedophile pretending to be president has done. Hahahaha, no refunds!
- Unlike the previous administration, we still haven't seen any stimulus checks. People are struggling because they lost their jobs due to Covid, and instead of signing an order allowing them to be able to go back to work or give them even a small handful of change to survive, the senile pedophile pretending to be president is literally sitting around playing video games. I'm in a lucky position where I am in no need of this check, but many people are struggling without it. (Not that the amount is enough to really be of much value anyway.)
- Due to the Keystone Pipeline getting shut down, gas prices have started to rocket upward. Current policy trends indicate that food prices are going to follow shortly. Hope you stocked up when I warned months ago that the economy was going to go down the toilet.
- For all you fools who wanted a "return to normalcy" after the last president, you must have forgotten what that entails. So here's a reminder. We are now invading Syria and re-invading Iraq. I guess that you forgot that "normalcy" involved using drones to murder innocent people on the other side of the globe. This one particularly bothers me as Syria has the highest concentration of Christians in the Middle East... I'm sure all those brown children that are getting their limbs blown off are at least happy because the guy that started droning them isn't a mean old orange racist though.
So that's the first month of the current administration so far. I guess we only have 47 more months of this nonsense to go before the next election, then maybe we can elect someone better. (Hahaha, nope. Since we gave the green light to stolen elections, we will NEVER have a decent president again. Things only get worse from here, your vote doesn't matter, and America as you know it is dead. Once again, No refunds. Hahahaha.)
But hey, at least our current president doesn't make mean tweets on the internet, right?